If you have any experience or knowledge with armyworms, you know they mean war when it comes to your lawn. Armyworms, which typically appear during the fall months, are known for their quick invasion and devastating damage. True to their name, they tend to show up in thousands and march across your lawn just like an army, eating as they go. It’s not uncommon for a heavy infestation of armyworms to ruin an entire yard in less than 72 hours!
Here’s some better insight into FAW (fall armyworms) so that you can detect their presence and save your sod before it is too late.
What do Armyworms Look Like?
Armyworms look like a cross between a caterpillar and worm. These pests primarily feed on turf grasses. Over time, armyworms become moths, but their “wormy” larvae stage is the most destructive. In this larvae stage, they can measure about 1.5 to 2 inches long. They have a trademark of an inverted “Y” on their head with a body that is green, yellow, red or brown stripes.
How Do I Know if My Lawn Has Been Invaded by Armyworms?
There are some distinctive warning signs that your lawn is under attack by armyworms. Before you visibly see the squirmy creates in your grass, you will likely notice small brown lawn patches. In many cases, the brown grass will start on the perimeter and migrate inwards over time. Armyworms like to chew the green layer of your grass blades or eat your turf all the way to the ground. In either case, the health and appearance of your lawn is in great danger.
Fighting Back and Controlling Armyworms
When it comes to controlling armyworms and saving your yard, time is of the essence. At Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping, we have a keen understanding of which insecticides and treatment sprays work best to kill armyworms quickly. Since these pests feed most actively in the early morning and late evening, we recommend applying treatment during these hours for best results.
If you notice signs that armyworms are feasting on your beloved turf, don’t panic but do call our lawn experts in Cumming as quickly as possible. We are ready to go to war for your lawn!
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1444 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (678) 294-0351
Email: pannoneslawnpros@gmail.com
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM