Whether you are throwing a baseball, turning cartwheels or having a picnic, your yard should be a safe place for your family to play. While a vibrant flowerbed and manicured turf provide aesthetic appeal, there may be some safety threats across your lawn that need your attention first. Here are some common lawn hazards to watch out for as your prep your yard for outside play:
- Ruts
- These are low or uneven spots in your lawn that may cause someone to trip or stumble. This can happen when you mow in the same direction over and over or repeatedly transport equipment in the same spot. Get to the root cause of your lawn ruts so that a safe and even surface can be restored.
- Mosquitoes
- Unfortunately, mosquitoes can thrive on a healthy lawn. While you may think your sunny areas of grass are not susceptible to these pesky insects, they only need the shade of your grass blades to take habitat. Other than investing in mosquito treatments, you can also keep your grass mowed to a proper height. In addition, since mosquitoes like wet or damp areas, you may need to consider a drainage solution for your yard to keep it more dry.
- Holes
- The appearance of new holes in your yard may be an indication of a rodent. If you spot a rodent hole, try to fill it right away before it poses a safety threat to your family. Keeping the rodents away may also save your flowers and plants from destruction.
- Sticks and Stones
- A thorough yard cleanup is always a good idea as you prepare for outside play. Loose sticks, stones and debris can be unintentionally picked up by mower blades and thrown across the yard to cause harm.
At Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping, we realize that making your yard look appealing comes second to providing a safe environment for your children to play. Our lawn experts can inspect your yard to detect potential safety hazards. We provide drainage solutions, yard cleanup and other lawn services tailored to your specific needs and budget.
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1444 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (678) 294-0351
Email: pannoneslawnpros@gmail.com
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM