If you live in Georgia, you likely experienced the surprise of a recent snow and ice storm this winter. Considering that most schools, businesses and roads were not prepared, it is assumed that most lawns were not prepared for the snow storm as well. However, the winter is not over, and now is the time for homeowners to be aware of ways they can prevent damage to plants from snow and ice. It is important to note that in most cases, a few inches of natural or windblown snow is nothing to worry about in your landscape. In fact, snow can act as the perfect insulator as it blankets your mulch. As the snow melts, it provides needed moisture and water to dry winter plants. However, if a winter storm is coming your way and ice is predicted, plant and tree damage are at stake. Ice accumulation can cause bent or broken tree limbs and be devastating for your garden. Here is what you need to know to prepare your yard for snow and ice:
Move the Movable Under Cover: This is perhaps the most obvious, but all of your container plants should be moved to a shed or porch for proper protection.
Tie Up Limbs: Use plant netting to tie up the branches of soft plants and conifers that are easily broken or bent by the weight of a snowfall.
Keep Off Grass: This may be difficult if you have children who want to run and play in the snow covered grass right away. However, be warned that grass is fragile, easily uprooted and even susceptible to fungal disease when it is beneath inches of snow.
Avoid Salt: Safety is first for your cars on your driveway. However, it is important to note that if the salt runs off your driveway, it can damage your lawn. Instead, use kitty litter or sand as a way to improve traction on your driveways and walkways.
If you need help protecting your lawn from winter weather or if you have questions regarding specific winter landscape maintenance, it is recommended that you contact a professional landscaping company. Pannone’s Lawn Pros & Landscaping has the necessary skills and experience to properly protect your grass, plants and trees from a winter storm. If you notice limb damage after ice or snow, be careful not to try and remove the ice immediately, which could lead to further damage and broken limbs. Waiting until the ice melts, and sometimes waiting until Spring approaches, is the best action plan to ensure your landscape is restored best.
Posted on behalf of
1444 Buford Hwy
Cumming, GA 30041
Phone: (678) 294-0351
Email: pannoneslawnpros@gmail.com
Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM